Emmanuel Alder
1 min readApr 16, 2021


While you are extraordinarly on point and your writing is, as usual, perfectly relevant and even kind of artistic, this was a difficult read !

Because your angle, way away of cold statistics and politic statements, so very accurately reminds us the reality of it all...

Because yes, how such despicable, inhuman and unacceptable situation can continue to exist is beyond any comprehension or logic.

Because any parent, any mother, and last time I checked, there was quite a number of them around, can feel the pain, the injustice , the montruosity of that.

Because of the reminder that this lack of respect for life, for black lives, lasts from centuries now and that in a supposed to be a developped society, an evolved civilization, all this doesn't make any sense !

But yes, we all need to keep the fight, to demand changes and to be actively anti-racist !

We all had enough of it !

