What non-americans are thinking nowadays…

Emmanuel Alder
3 min readSep 1, 2020
Image found on Quora on a similar topic

I was recently asked to give an opinion on the state of things, currently in the USA, about what can be our vision on this country from outside, from the rest of the world, as non-americans. This was on a large US Facebook group.
Since I took the time to give them a long answer, I decided to rewrite it and place it here on Medium.

Allow me to be kinda long here….

As white European, well Swiss, aged 54, I was obviously growing in a very “favorable to US” kind of culture, the enemy was of course red, I heard countless times the stories of you guys (well, your parents and grand-parents) coming as liberators, my dad was born in 1900 so he lived the two world wars, even in this island of security that Switzerland were and still is. You add the intense propaganda from Hollywood and associated businesses, the hegemonic influence of the USA on all parts of the global economy and diplomacy since the 20th century and you can easily figure out where I came from before forging my own and more recent opinions on the matter.

I actually put foot in US soil for the first time kind of late, around year2K, visiting my mother-in-law who worked at 1, UN Plaza !

Also, I met my wife in 1994 and her being from West-Africa, my vision of the world has been broadened !

More recently, I was fascinated by the series from Oliver Stone, “The untold history of the USA”, which is a seriously awakening thing to watch.

But even before considering the political game and the more precise aspects of the American society, I would say that of course, your country shows numerous wonder and some amazing aspects, no need to list here the things I love about it.

Of course, in the same time, one can only see with some surprise or circumspection the amount of US citizens who virtually knows nothing further than their narrow day to day life, who doesn’t ever leave the country or even their state, cannot give just one correct answer on a world quizz, that type of things.

I used to say that there is two America, the one I love, and the one I hate, considering that in my eyes, the common level of stupid, racism, hate and all these things can only be despicable and generate some utter disgust.

But I had hope, not only the one who served as campaign motto for Barack, but real hope that the Good will prevail, the minimum of decency and humanity will have their say in the functioning of the society and of the institutions.

Alas, since 2016, I really am struggling to keep that hope.

Not because the current presidency is objectively the worst ever, in deconstructing everything good built by the previous administrations (all of them) day after day behind the curtains, not because the USA becomes the laughing stock of the planet, but because the current state of affairs demonstrates how deep and very active are the hate, the idiocy, the lack of education and even the lack of will and motivation to try and sort the numerous informations — I should say fake news and crap — circulating more and more every single day. And because whatever is the real number of citizen able to vote soon — and they will — who correspond to this description, it is way too much to be confident and reassured that even if your presidency changes come November, the situation will return to “normal” !

There is no acceptable normal (…) where people are going hunting in the street against peaceful protesters, some of them wearing uniforms, where guns are as easy to buy as cookies, where the most crazy beliefs and conspiracy theories are spilled and when the divisions are that wide !

So here you have my opinion… But I can tell you that I am not alone….

I wouldn’t close this on a dark note, so yes, I still have some kind of hope but as I cannot do anything about what’s happening there, I can only count on you guys !

You have to vote this farce out and rebuild some decency and will to elevate the American society !

Thanks to take the time to read me !

Emmanuel Alder

